


# Modify #

function setStrNome ()
function setStrSobrenome ()
function setStrSenha ()

function modifyUsuario () // sets
if ($codusuario != "")
$strSQL = " SELECT codUsuario, strNome, strSobrenome, strLogin, strSenha
FROM usuario
WHERE codUsuario = $newCodUsuario";
$res = mysql_query (strSQL,$conn);

if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
$this->strNome = setModifyNome;
$this->strSobrenome = setModifySobrenome;
$this->strSenha = setModifySenha;
echo "Usuario nao cadastrado";
return codusuario;

// There are parts of me that don't get nervous, not the parts that shake; You won't get what you deserve: You are what you take. Learning to cry for fun and profit - I'm not done yet - Counterfeit dollars and the English zloty... Anything I can get and I want... More!

function add ()
new newCodUsuario;
function del ()
// Não sei
function update ()
// Não sei
function login ()
// Não sei